In this funny, readable, and thought-provoking book based on the popular film of the same name, activists John de Graaf (coauthor of the bestselling Affluenza) and David Batker tackle thirteen economic issues, challenging the reader to consider the point of our economy. Emphasizing powerful American ideals, including teamwork, pragmatism, and equality, de Graaf and Batker set forth a simple goal for any economic system: The greatest good for the greatest number over the longest run. Drawing from history and current enterprises, we see how the good life is achieved when people and markets work together with an active government to create a more perfect economy-one that works for everyone. Beginning by shattering our fetish for GDP, What's the Economy For, Anyway? offers a fresh perspective on quality of life, health, security, work-life balance, leisure, social justice, and perhaps most important, sustainability. This sparkling, message-driven book is exactly what those lost in the doldrums of partisan sniping and a sluggish economy need: a guide to what really matters, and a map to using America's resources to make the world a better place.
Benjamin Kline Hunnicutt, University of Iowa, author of Work Without End and Free Time: The Forgotten American Dream This book calls for a new politics of simple living, and it describes specific policies that would allow people to ...
The experts are wrong. This book uncovers what people really mean when they talk about 'the economy', taking the word off its pedestal and showing that it's just a lens for seeing the world around us.
These stories are representative of Rev. Carolyn Jenning's experiences in manifesting abundance. Some seem unbelievable ... but they happened. All are examples of ways in which you, too, can manifest the life of your dreams.
For fans of Blink, Tipping Point, Freakonomics and Gardner's own bestselling Risk.After World War I, experts pronounced that another war of that scale was impossible. In the 1970s, the blockbuster...
"It is heartening that an outstanding economist like Prof. P K Rao has written this volume on the Architecture of Green Economic Policies.
This book will be your guide through the history of economics: - Let the Trading Begin 400 BCE - 1770 CE - The Age of Reason 1770 - 1820 - Industrial and Economic Revolutions 1820 - 1929 - War and Depressions: 1929 - 1945 - Post-War ...
If you're curious about how the economy is dysfunctional and want to learn about the solutions, this book will guide you through the essentials, laying out the basic concepts and issues causing most of the worlds problems, from automation ...
This is a book about peak oil and the devastating effects it is already having on the American economy.
Straight answers to every question you've ever had about howthe economy works and how it affects your life In this Collector's Edition of their celebrated How anEconomy Grows and Why It Crashes, Peter Schiff, economic expertand bestselling ...
He was the founding vice-president of the Foundation for Economic Education and an early editor of The Freeman magazine, an influential libertarian publication. Hazlitt wrote Economics in One Lesson, his seminal work, in 1946.