Blueprints Family Medicine, Third Edition provides students with a complete review of key concepts and topics and serves as a rapid reference during day-to-day activities in patient care—perfect for clerkship rotations and the USMLE. This edition has been completely updated while maintaining its succinct, organized, and concise style. 100 USMLE-style multiple-choice questions with full explanations Key Points at the end of each chapter summarize important information Updated Appendix of evidence-based resources Companion website offers access to fully searchable text plus an additional 50 USMLE-style questions with answers
This edition has been reorganized to follow the Clerkship Directors in Internal Medicine guidelines and includes thoroughly updated content and additional tables and figures.
Wolters Kluwers is dedicated to providing quality content. This is a reprint of the Seventh Edition, corrected to address typographical errors identified by reviewers.
Designed as a quick read for students on an orthopedics rotation and others who want to know more about the specialty, Blueprints Orthopedics covers the essentials that every student needs to know in a pocket-sized, practical reference.
For every step of your medical career , look for all the books in the Blueprints series Perfect for clerkship and board ... Blueprints Obstetrics & Gynecology , 3rd edition Blueprints Pediatrics , 3rd edition Blueprints Psychiatry ...
This edition includes full-color dermatology and infectious disease photographs and multicolored flow diagrams of congenital heart defects. A companion Website includes a question bank and fully searchable text.
One of the best selling and most highly regarded volumes in the Blueprints series, this book provides a concise review of what students need to know in their rotations or the Boards.
In Sneddon's syndrome, cerebral ischemia and livedo reticularis are associated. DIAGNOSTIC EVALUATION Antiphospholipid antibodies should be sought in young patients with stroke or in those with otherwise unexplained stroke, ...
Concise and focused on high-yield content, this 6th Edition of Blueprints Psychiatry makes it easy for busy clerkship students to prep for shelf exams and the USMLE during moments of calm between busy hospital and clinical responsibilities.
Ideal for residents, practicing physicians, and nurse practitioners, this new review tool is an excellent resource for testing your knowledge of the entire field of family medicine.
A staple of family medicine training for 30 years, Essentials of Family Medicine offers a comprehensive introduction to this specialty designed just for clerkship students.