The Thirteenth Edition of Nursing Diagnosis: Application to Clinical Practice is a classic text that is revised to incorporate the 2009/2011 NANDA-approved nursing diagnoses, offer definitive guidance on key elements of nursing diagnosis and its application to clinical practice. Section One thoroughly explains the role of nursing diagnosis in the nursing process and in care planning. Section Two, a comprehensive A-to-Z guide to current nursing diagnoses, has been reorganized into four parts: Individual Nursing Diagnoses, Family/Home Nursing Diagnoses, Community Nursing Diagnoses, and Health Promotion/Wellness Nursing Diagnoses. Section Three focuses on collaborative problems. Nursing Interventions Classifications (NIC) and Nursing Outcomes Classifications (NOC) are listed for every NANDA diagnosis. An appendix shows current NANDA diagnoses grouped under functional health patterns.
Index of NANDA-I(c) Diagnoses on the inside back cover of the book provides quick reference to page numbers. Alphabetical thumb tabs allow quick access to specific symptoms and nursing diagnoses. NEW!
NEW! In-depth coverage of wellness and primary prevention stresses the importance of health and wellness. NEW! Appendixes in the text provide you with valuable information in an easy-to-access location. NEW! Revised references in APA style.
NEW to this edition are 13 new care plans and two new chapters including care plans that address health promotion and risk factor management along with basic nursing concepts that apply to multiple body systems.
In Osborn KS, Wraa CE, Watson AB, editors: Medical-surgical nursing, preparation for practice, ed 1, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2010, Pearson. Schweickert WD, et al: Early physical and occupational therapy in mechanically ventilated, ...
New to this edition are the latest NANDA changes, including: 21 new nursing diagnoses 9 revised nursing diagnoses 6 retired nursing diagnoses. --Publisher description.
Abridgement of: Nursing diagnosis handbook / [edited by] Betty J. Ackley, Gail B. Ladwig, Mary Beth Flynn Makic. Eleventh edition. St. Louis, Missouri: Elsevier, [2017].
An Evidence-Based Guide to Planning Care Betty J. Ackley, Gail B. Ladwig, Mary Beth Flynn Makic ... EB: Prolonged and exclusive breastfeeding improves children's cognitive development (Kramer et al, 2008).
Revision of: Nursing diagnosis and intervention pocket guide. 7th ed., 2000.
This innovative resource teaches you the critical thinking and assessment skills you need to build customized care plans based on each patient's unique needs. Its step-by-step approach guides you through...
This new edition specifically features three new care plans, two expanded care plans, updated content and language reflecting the most current clinical practice and professional standards, enhanced QSEN integration, a new emphasis on ...