"Perhaps more remarkable is how much hasn't changed in the past quarter century. The patient-centered encounter remains the backbone of effective care, whether in the office, on the telephone or online. In these encounters, attentiveness to the interaction between biological, socioeconomic, and psychological factors is as crucial and relevant as ever. Family medicine residency programs continue to provide excellent preparation for physicians interested in caring for individuals of all ages and their families within a broad range of practice settings, styles, and populations. Primary medical care continues to be recognized as the cornerstone of an effective health care system, although integration of primary care into the broader US system remains far from ideal"--Provided by publisher.
This textbook provides 46 case studies representing problems frequently encountered in primary care.
Psychiatry Essentials for Primary Care
The book is divided into five sections: Physiology of the Male Reproductive System, Androgen Disorders, Sexual Dysfunction in Men, Fertility Regulation and Infertility, and Urologic Disorders in Primary Care
Appendices include illustrated sections on commonly used instruments and materials. A companion Website will offer the fully searchable text, over 100 patient education handouts, and videos of ten common procedures.
This book provides a distillation of the core information required for clinical studies in medicine.
This book describes what has become a crisis in primary care, defines its central role, analyzes the reasons for its decline, and assesses its impacts on patients and families.
One of the best resources is a document titled “ Choosing and Using a Health Plan . ” This resource covers such questions as , What are my health plan choices ? How do I compare health plans ? How can I get the most from my plan ?
Essentials of Family Medicine
Jean L. Bolognia, Julie V. Schaffer, Karynne O. Duncan, and Christine J. Ko, Dermatology Essentials, 2nd Edition, provides the fast answers you need on every important aspect of dermatology and guidance on their application in your day-to ...
Stroke Essentials for Primary Care: A Practical Guide is a must-have resource, offering the essential, practical knowledge required to evaluate and treat stroke patients.