Roger Haight reflects on the foundations upon which all theological statements rest, exploring how theologians go about the task of theology. His goal is to provide the fundamental grounds for the retrieval of traditional doctrine in new creative interpretations that come to bear upon life in our world today. In a new Afterword, Haight looks ahead from his methodological principles here to their application in his acclaimed Jesus Symbol of God. Book jacket.
Bound to Differ: The Dynamics of Theological Discourses
In this expanded edition of a classic work of spiritual theology, historian Richard Lovelace presents a history of spiritual renewals in light of biblical models.
Stephen Sykes 'Faith Thinking' is a lively, provocative and most welcome book...contending for a dynamic way of doing theology that neither abandons thinking nor the life of the believing community.
... from the circumstances of the historic context in which they occur , " " The Rhetorical Situation , " in Richard L. Johannesen , ed . , Contemporary Theories of Rhetoric : Selected Readings ( New York : Harper & Row , 1971 ) , p .
In this expanded edition of a classic work of spiritual theology, historian Richard Lovelace presents a history of spiritual renewals in light of biblical models.
Knowles, The Middle Ages, 425. 103. Ibid., 426. Lynch, The Medieval Church, 319—20, 322. The increasing nationalism of the churches meant a certain decline of Latinitas and a beginning of the fragmentation of the unified culture of ...
Finally, in this new edition an important reevaluation is undertaken of the potentially explosive impact of "truth claims" in a post-truth world.
You no longer have to choose between what you know and what you believe—an accessible introduction to a theological game-changer. “I wrote this book for you if you want to be able to locate your life in a single, encompassing story, one ...
One of the greatest books ever written on the subject, Dynamics of Faithis a primer in the philosophy of religion.
The doctrine of grace, concerning the healing, freeing, and empowering presence of the Spirit in human life, is central in Christianity.