Power Trip

Power Trip
Power Trip
Weight lifting
Dog Ear Publishing
Don McCauley


Power Trip is intended to be a guide for parents, athletes and coaches to assist them in discovering the WHAT, HOW, WHERE AND WHY of strength training. It will allow the young athlete, or just any kids who want to be stronger and faster, to do the right things, in the right order and find the right places and people to help them continue to excel and not be sidelined by overtraining or negligent training in the gym. It will help parents to start their children on the right path to better athleticism, whether or not they plan to be a competitive athlete. Coaches will find the latest techniques of Olympic-style Weightlifting on the "Trip," what lifts are more important to do and they will probably find themselves losing their temper or, at least, find their interest stimulated. On this Power Trip, athletes, parents and coaches will be exposed to what I think are the best exercises to do to become more powerful and the techniques I teach. You will learn, especially using the DVD, which can be ordered online, the best teaching progression to make yourself or your athlete, exceptional at performing these all-important Olympic-style lifts. Strength training can be a long and costly maze. Money and, more importantly, time can be wasted going down the wrong roads and riding with the wrong people. You will learn on this Power Trip, what to look for in a coach, a strength program and/or a gym when you are traveling through your athletic life. And, you will learn how not to waste your time doing things that aren't making you a better athlete and a more powerful person. And, I hope you will laugh a bit as well. Get up early. Pack your gear. Get ready to take your Power Trip. Don McCauley has coached Olympic Weightlifting, Powerlifting, Throwing, and Strength and Conditioning with several sports, for almost thirty years. In that time he has produced athletes that have competed at the national and international level, including the Olympics. He has competed in the sports of Track&Field as a middle distance runner, Road Running, Olympic Weightlifting and Powerlifting. He is most proud of his best 10-mile race time of 59:32. Don graduated from the University of Rhode Island, is a C.S.C.S., a Level 1 Track & Field Coach and is certified by CrossFit and Cross- Fit for Kids. He presently works for Performance Initiatives as the Coach of the Coastal Empire Weightlifting team and owns a CrossFit box in Savannah, Georgia. He is on the Ethics Committee of the USAW (Olympic Weightlifting NGB) and has a long-standing teaching relationship with many athletes in that sport. He is active in hosting weightlifting clinics and camps for athletes and coaches at the Performance Initiatives gym.

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