Mining has been entangled with the development of communities in all continents since the beginning of large-scale resource extraction. It has brought great wealth and prosperity, as well as great misery and environmental destruction. Today, there is a greater awareness of the urgent need for engineers to meet the challenge of extracting declining mineral resources more efficiently, with positive and equitable social impact and minimal environmental impact. Many engineering disciplines—from software to civil engineering—play a role in the life of a mine, from its inception and planning to its operation and final closure. The companies that employ these engineers are expected to uphold human rights, address community needs, and be socially responsible. While many believe it is possible for mines to make a profit and achieve these goals simultaneously, others believe that these are contradictory aims. This book narrates the social experience of mining in two very different settings—Papua New Guinea and Western Australia—to illustrate how political, economic, and cultural contexts can complicate the simple idea of "community engagement."
... and Guerin approaches this problem in terms of a petroleum-based hydrocarbon life- cycle, seeking eco-efficiencies at each stage in the cycle. Jim Otto examines trends in legislation and practice for mine closure and reclamation, ...
The chapters in this book offer concrete examples from all over the world to show how community livelihoods in mineral-rich tracts can be more sustainable by fully integrating gender concerns into all aspects of the relationship between ...
Sustainable Development Opportunities in Mining Communities: Oversight Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources of the Committee on...
This collection examines historical and contemporary social, economic, and environmental impacts of mining on Aboriginal communities in northern Canada.
Explores the local politics of mining in Africa, explaining when communities benefit, and when conflict and repression occur.
This book investigates the local impacts of mining in South Africa, focusing on employment, inequality, housing, business development, worker well-being, governance, municipal finance, planning and the environment.
The Rehabilitation of Oklahoma Coal Mining Communities
This book examines mining communities past and present and compares the ways in which social groups differ although they share the same basic means of support.
They have won legal recognition as a tribe, collaborated with local universities to document their history, and worked to create a tribal museum. Samuel R. Cook tells the story of the Monacans in a uniquely comparative way.
G. Crough , Aboriginal People in the Economy of Northern Australia , Northern Territory University Press , Darwin 1983 ... Trigger , Whitefella Comin ' : Aboriginal Responses to Colonialism in Northern Australia , Cambridge University ...