Anyone who has struggled with sex addiction knows that living with constant sexual compulsions can be extremely difficult. But summoning the courage to find help for this condition can be even more of a challenge. If addictions to pornography, strip clubs, massage parlors, prostitutes, phone sex, or chat rooms have made you feel trapped, this book can help you find a way to break free. Written by a former sex addict who specializes in counseling people who suffer from sexually compulsive behavior, Breaking the Cycle presents a step-by-step plan to enjoying a life of productivity and purpose. You can free yourself from the powerful, compulsive urges that may have damaged your career, finances, or relationships with friends and family. The exercises in this book will show you how to regain control of your life and build meaningful intimate connections with others.
Up and down, In and Out. Mountain peak to valley. Like a hamster in a wheel, it never ends! It's time to get off the wheel. This incredible book by Dr. Jim Richards will give you the tools to face life with new confidence.
These stories capture the dangerous realities of domestic abuse, while also pointing toward the steps that need to be taken to break the cycle that perpetuates it.
A fascinating look into nurturing and parenting in the natural world, supplemented with original illustrations For readers of Becoming Animal and World of Wonders A beautiful resource for nature advocates, parents-to-be, animal lovers, and ...
Dr. Nash feels like her attempt to have Mr. Sienna see her perspective on the problem has backfired . Her first thought when Mr. Sienna gets defensive is " This is why I don't bring this psych stuff up . " It also reminds her of when ...
Breaking the Vicious Cycle: Intestinal Health Through Diet
Eventually, this hurt spreads further, affecting entire communities and families across generations. This is intergenerational trauma.
Her hopes is that this book will give courage and hope to victims or even someone that has a friend or relative going through it. Inspire them to break the cycle, like she did and live a happier and healthier life.
Free yourself from generational curses. The truth will set you free. You are worth it.
Marital education; practical and usable principles and philosophies, used by The Marriage Foundation "We do not advocate you stay together for your children, alone.
The topics include hate crimes and hate-crimes legislation, child sexual abuse and the statute of limitations, and the American kidnapping and internment of Japanese Latin Americans during World War II. Commissioned by Nancy Rosenblum, the ...