Based on WB’s hit show Supernatural, this deluxe coloring book features line art and patterns inspired by Dean, Sam, Castiel, and the monsters that they hunt. The perfect gift for the aspiring hunter, this gorgeous coloring book is filled with detailed illustrations of the characters and creatures of Supernatural. From the rich black of the Winchesters’ car to the blood red of a devil’s trap, the world of Supernatural is yours to design and color. Featuring patterns inspired by Dean, Sam, Castiel, Crowley, and a host of angels, demons, and other creatures, these minutely detailed drawings offer hours of creative fun.
Publisher’s Note: A new, expanded edition has replaced this book under the new title Visionary: The Mysterious Origins of Human Consciousness, ISBN 9781637480069 This definitive edition includes a new Introduction by Graham Hancock as ...
You'll find within these pages Sam and Dean's notes, observations, and memories interwoven with sections of John Winchester's invaluable journal, making this book the perfect companion to every thrilling episode—and an essential weapon in ...
After reading this book, you may never read your Bible the same way again. In Supernatural, Heiser takes the core message from his recent best-seller, The Unseen Realm, and presents it for the person in the pew.
Don sends them a very long way from home, on a mission to uncover the secret Satan never wanted them to find out. A brand-new Supernatural novel that reveals a previously unseen adventure for the Winchester brothers, from the hit CW series!
Also included in Supernatural Childbirth are faith-inspiring testimonies from women who have followed these principles and experienced their own supernatural childbirth, confessions and prayers for a supernatural conception, pregnancy, ...
My name is Bobby Singer.
Spanning cultures and centuries this guide explores the religious roots and ancient folklore of the otherworldly entities, from angels to demons, encountered by Sam and Dean Winchester on the hit television show Supernatural.
Becoming Supernatural marries the some of the most profound scientific information with ancient wisdom to show how people like you and me can experience a more mystical life.
OOKS: Supernatural: The Unholy Cause by Joe Schreiber Supernatural: One Year Gone by Rebecca Dessertine ... Supernatural: Carved in Flesh by Tim Waggoner Supernatural: Cold Fire by John Passarella Supernatural: Mythmaker by Tim Waggoner ...
A brand-new Supernatural novel, set during season 10, that reveals a previously unseen adventure for the Winchester brothers, from the hit CW series!