Cardiothoracic Surgery Review covers all of the core knowledge necessary to pass the cardiothoracic boards or the cardiothoracic recertification exam. Each topic presents core information in two-to-four pages and concludes with a brief list of the most important references. The topics cover all areas in cardiothoracic surgery, including cardiac surgery, pediatric cardiac surgery, and thoracic surgery. Included with the book is a companion website featuring the fully searchable text and over 60 procedural videos. This topic-based review is ideal for anyone needing to rapidly reference an up-to-date knowledge base in cardiothoracic surgery, including cardiothoracic fellows, practitioners studying for recertification, and surgical nurses.
This 2nd Edition of the TSRA Review, edited by the Thoracic Surgery Residents Association (TSRA) and authored by thoracic surgery residents from the United States and North American training programs, is a summary of critical information ...
Narain Moorjani,, Nicola Viola,, Sunil K Ohri,. 9 What are the important features that can be assessed during cardiac angiography (Figure 11)? • Left main stem. • Left anterior descending (LAD) artery. Figure 10.
Pearson's Thoracic and Esophageal Surgery. Philadelphia: Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, 2008:242–255.) FIGURE 84-23 Repaired pulmonary artery sling. The left pulmo- nary artery (LPA) has been implanted into the main pulmonary artery ...
This review book, edited by the Thoracic Surgery Residents Association (TSRA) and authored by more than 50 thoracic surgery residents from programs around the country, is a summary of the breadth of information that a cardiothoracic surgeon ...
Keele KD, Pedretti C. Corpus of the anatomical studies in the collection of Her Majesty the Queen at Windsor Castle, vol. ... Richter JP. The notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci. Compiled and edited from the original manuscripts. Vols.
Ischemic. Mitral. Regurgitation. Vincent Chan,Javier G.Castillo, andDavid H. Adams. INTRODUCTION. Ischemic mitral regurgitation (MR) is a mechanical complication of coronary artery disease. Mostcommonly, ischemic MR is due to chronic ...
This volume is intended to share ideas and algorithms that will improve outcomes in cardiothoracic critical care units. This book is part of the Difficult Decisions in Surgery series that covers surgical specialties.
This book contains some path-breaking studies in the area of cardiothoracic surgery. It unravels the recent advances and modern techniques of cardiothoracic surgery.
Compendium of articles from recent surgical literature that address ethical issues chosen by surgeons.
Velebit V, Schoneberger A, Ciaroni S, et al. “Acquired” left ventricular-to-right atrial shunt (gerbode defect) after bacterial endocarditis. Tex Heart InstJ1995;22:100–102. Seddio F, Reddy VM, McElhinney DB, et al.