This new review textbook, written by residents and an experienced faculty member from Cleveland Clinic, is designed to ensure success on all sorts of standardized neurology examinations. Presented in a comprehensive question-and-answer format, with detailed rationales, Comprehensive Review in Clinical Neurology is a must-have for both aspiring and practicing neurologists and psychiatrists preparation to take the RITE, the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology written exams, and various recertification exams.
This book is designed to give residents and recent residency graduates a complete review of the concepts tested in the annual resident in-service exam and the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology (ABPN) board exam.
"The cerebrospinal vasculature originates at the aortic arch. The right brachiocephalic artery divides into the right common carotid artery and the right subclavian artery.
Neurologists, neuroscientists and neurosurgeons working at Queen Square, and advised by an international editorial team, have combined their expertise and experience to produce this unique text.
Written in a clear, concise style, this unique text offers a concise overview of fundamental neuroanatomy and the clinical localization principles necessary to diagnose and treat patients with neurologic diseases and disorders.
If you would like to have access to the DVD content, please purchase the print copy of this title. This is a clinical neurology book for students and non neurologists, and for those who teach them.
The book contains 2,000 multiple-choice questions divided into ten 200-question tests, and each test covers all psychiatry and neurology topics in the ABPN curriculum.
B. The anterior and posterior circulations are connected via the circle of Willis, which is composed of the anterior cerebral arteries, a single anterior communicating artery, the internal carotid arteries, the posterior cerebral ...
Clear and concise, The Only Neurology Book You'll Ever Need provides a straightforward and comprehensive overview of neurology.
Murayama K, Takeuchi T, Yuyama T. Entrapment of the saphenous nerve by branches of the femoral vessels. A report of two cases. ... Phillips LH. Familial long thoracic nerve palsy: a manifestation of brachial plexus neuropathy.
Organized to approach patient problems the way you do, this best-selling text guides you through the evaluation of neurologic symptoms, helps you select the most appropriate tests and interpret the findings, and assists you in effectively ...