This unique anthology in the field of interpersonal communication comprises both scholarly articles and book chapters from the disciplines of human communication, psychology, marriage and family therapy, and business.
This book presents a functional taxonomy to see, understand, and manipulate the roots of life's conflicts.
Along with foundational coverage of conflict styles, mediation, and negotiation skills, the text also features new and emerging models of conflict management, including chapters examining the challenges of conflict between cultures, a ...
Communication and Conflict Resolution Skills
Paul Watzlawick, Janet Helmick Beavin, and Don D. Jackson, Pragmatics of Human Communication (New York: W. W. Norton Co., 1967). 5. Joseph Luft, Group Processes: An Introduction to Group Dynamics, 2d ed. (Palo Alto, Calif: National ...
Depending on the framework, bully allies are alternately labeled “passive bullies, followers, or henchmen” (Olweus, 2003, p. 67), or patrons and pawns (Boddy, Ladyshewsky, & Galvin, 2010). Olweus's (2003) framework, taken from his work ...
Part of the acclaimed, bestselling Big Books series, this guide offers step-by-step directions and customizable tools that empower you to heal rifts arising from ineffective communication, cultural/personality clashes, and other specific ...
Littlejohn and Domenici invite readers to engage in a thoughtful dialogue about human difference, conflict, and communication.
This book seeks to find effective intercultural conflict management solutions by bringing together a group of leading international scholars from different disciplines to tackle the problem.
With The Conflict Resolution Playbook, you’ll discover real-life solutions to everyday problems and develop communication skills that can help you make breakthroughs at work, improve your relationships at home, and lead to significant ...
The book is divided into two parts: Conflict Management and Student Mediation.