After six years and too much self-recrimination, rancher Mitch Landry is ready to admit he was wrong. He'd loved Olivia Montgomery but commitment wasn't high on his list back then. Now he's set to do whatever it takes to convince her to give him another try. Through hard work and determination, Olivia survived the break-up and rebuilt her life around her business and the son she loves more than life itself. She's not proud of the mistakes she's made—particularly the secrets she's kept—but when life hands you manure, you use it to make something better of yourself…lest you get stuck in it. At a hot, muggy Dallas wedding, they reconnect. Olivia's first instinct is to play it cool, but after one devastating kiss things flare real out of control, real fast. Maybe a quick roll in the hay will get him out of her system once and for all. Funny thing about hay, though. Once it's tangled in your hair, getting it out risks revealing things that were never meant to see the light of day.
BACHELOR BEWARE!Hank Braden prided himself on being the most confirmed dating bachelor in Temptation, Texas.
Rediscover this classic Western romance, the second story in the Heart of Texas series from #1 New York Times bestselling author Debbie Macomber.
Texas shows its best moves in dance halls that dot its landscape. Wherever they've found fiddlers and dance floors, Texans have been tickled into motion. And for a century and...
Bo leaves his mother and three brothers behind and takes off for a two-stepping, bronco-bucking adventure. Jan Brett turns her considerable talents toward the Texas countryside in this amusing story of an armadillo on his own.
Isabel's sister Elena Maria is turning fifteen, and the Martinez family is planning her quinceañera -- at Uncle Hector's ranch in San Antonio!
Official Guide to Country Dance Steps
Gary loves it when I do stuff like that. I opened the door of the in-law and Robert Johnson padded up, bumped into Frank's leg, then stepped back indignantly, his super-keen animal senses suddenly warning him that I ...
From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series Multiple-award-winning author Rick Riordan brings back smart-mouthed Texas P.I. Tres Navarre for his most dangerous case yet.
... Texas Two - Step Art by : Afterword I BOUGHT A WESTERN HAT AT DISNEYLAND AS PART OF THE WRITING PROCESS . Thank you for This is the second book in a series , so I can't reveal the secret of the ghost town yet . 000 ile reading Texas Two ...
From his spot on the bed, Hank had a bird's-eye view of all the goings-on, even if it was a little blurred by the medication he'd been taking. He had to give Leighanna credit, he thought with a shake of his head.