Managing Knowledge Assets and Business Value Creation in Organizations: Measures and Dynamics provides an advanced, state-of-the-art understanding of the links between the knowledge assets dynamics and the business value creation. This publication focuses on the theory, models, approaches, methodologies, tools and techniques for measuring and managing organizational knowledge assets dynamics supporting and driving business performance improvements. This comprehensive work is a substantial contribution to the field in terms of theory, methodology and applications to replicate, support and challenge existing studies and offer new applications of existing theory and approaches.
This book offers assistance and guidance to managers and professionals of innovation firms, learning organizations, and other work communities through tools, techniques, and strategic suggestions for improvement.
International Journal of Project Management, 21(4), 281–290. doi:10.1016/S0263-7863(02)00030-3 Kwan, M. M., ... In G. Schiuma (Ed.), Managing knowledge assets and business value creation in organizations: Measures and dynamics (pp.
UNDERSTANDING TELEHEALTH SYSTEMS Traditional Conceptualization of Telehealth Systems Given the centrality of information technology in telehealth, many studies in the field ofinformation systems (IS) have investigated telehealthsystems.
Knowledge. Assets. Value. Dynamics. Map. Managing knowledge assets for creating company's value is not a single effort but a ... of knowledge management initiatives to respond to the value creation purpose of an organization over time.
Managing Knowledge Assets And Business Value Creation In Organizations : Measures And Dynamics, Hershey Pa, Business Science Reference. Seescyt 2008. Plan Estratégico De Ciencia, Tecnología E Innovación 2008‐2018.
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Industrial Management Ángel Ortiz, ... In: Schiuma G (ed) Managing knowledge assets and business value creation in organizations: measures and dynamics, ...
Measuring dynamic knowledge flows: Implications for organizational performance. In G. Schiuma (Ed.), Managing Knowledge Assets and Business Value Creation in Organizations. Hershey, PA: IGI Global. Nissen, M. E., & Bergin, R. D. (2013).
McIntyre, Susan. Chapter 2 Learning.Lessons.for.Organizational.Learning,.Process.Improvement,.and.Innovation. ... This.chapter.defines.and.scopes.lessons.learned;.describes.the.basic. methodology,.applications,.and.types ...
Creating Value with Customer Analytics Massimiliano Bonacchi, Paolo Perego ... In S. Giovanni (Ed.), Managing knowledge assets and business value creation in organizations: Measures and dynamics (pp. 110–124). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Figure 1: Springboard to SEE model The TTL is core to SEE‐motivated organizations and together with E3 governance provides the Springboard's ethical foundation that informs '3E strategy and E3 governance'.