The author of the best-selling Body-for-Life for Women outlines a neuroscience-based program for rewiring the food-addicted brain, revealing how to tap awareness about the body chemical dopamine to replace unhealthy practices with beneficial habits, in a guide that outlines a three-stage plan of fitness routines and strategic foods.
With The Fatburn Fix, Dr. Shanahan shows how regaining your fatburn is the key to effortless weight loss and a new, elevated life, paving the way to abundant energy and long-term health and happiness.
Learn: *How to reject diet mentality forever *How our three Eating Personalities define our eating difficulties *How to feel your feelings without using food *How to honor hunger and feel fullness *How to follow the ten principles of ...
The Belly Fat Fix shows you how to incorporate the science of ghrelin into an easy plan: • A simple diet packed with anti-ghrelin superfoods.
Hundreds of the Berkowitzes' patients, like those profiled in the book, have successfully lost up to 70 pounds with this plan.
Breadline USA is a vivid reminder of the fate to which many more Americans may be subject without urgent action.
This is the relentlessly honest, fiercely intelligent story of living with both anorexia and binge-eating disorder, moving past her shame, and learning to tell her secret.
Drawing from cutting-edge research in gender-based medicine, women's health expert and best-selling author Dr. Pamela Peeke tailors the original Body–for–Life program to the unique obstacles women face.
Break the binge/diet cycle today!Based on Marilyn Migliore's highly successful treatment program, which she designed at St. Luke's-Roosevelt/A University Hospital of Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons in New...
He points to the work of numerous grassroots organizations that are leading the way in these fields as models for the rest of the anti-hunger sector.
In this science-based book, registered dietitian Abby Langer tackles head-on the negative effects of diet culture and offers advice to help you enjoy food and lose weight without guilt or shame.