This research-driven program shows readers that losing weight quickly and permanently is a matter of correcting their body chemistry and success is just a few 60-second steps away. Many studies have examined the acid-alkaline relationship between the foods we eat and how our bodies store fat, but Dr. Schoffro Cook offers the first plan to alkalize the body with simple, surprising, and flexible 60-second weight loss tricks. First, readers learn how to "kick the acid" by eating delicious meals made with whole foods that are balanced to help readers flush fat and revitalize their entire bodies. To keep the pounds peeling off, each week readers add a few new habits to their regimens. Every tip brings readers closer to balancing their pH and boosting their metabolism, so they can pick and choose the tips that fit best into their busy lifestyles for flattering results that will last. The plan features 50 mouth-watering, alkalizing recipes such as Coconut Waffles, Grilled Chicken with Citrus Salsa, and succulent Strawberry-Rhubarb Crisp. Also included is a 7-day meal plan that shows readers how to incorporate these dishes into a day of hearty, delicious, body-balancing meals.
Written for women, the 101 short essays are a never-ending treasure trove of inspirational thoughts and easy tips to make any healthy eating plan more effective immediately.
You may not want to count your food because you're busy; but do you know that weight loss begin when you start to count?
Weight a Minute!: Transform Your Health in 60 Seconds a Day
In the book, readers will find motivating strategies, delicious recipes, and an 8-minute workout routine to maximize calorie burn.
"Jorge Cruise has answers that really work and take almost no time. I recommend them highly." —Andrew Weil, MD "Jorge Cruise sets you up to win!" —Anthony Robbins
BODĒ struggled for years with hard-gainer body and yet a belly that seemed to lock itself on his frame.
Dr. Ian wrote Clean & Lean to put what he knows about nutrition and physiology in one place, and to motivate you to: --Use intermittent fasting to discover your optimal eating times each day --Explore clean eating with 30 (!) fresh, real ...
In Boost Your Brain Power in 60 Seconds, Dr. Michelle Schoffro Cook aims to turn this prediction around with her prescriptive—and proven—plan.
Provides concise answers for solving mental health problems. Learn the vital elements of a successful marriage; how to deal effectively with anger, depression, stress, anxiety. In plain language, and brief...
Targeting the problem area of hips and thighs, offers daily visualizations and motivational tips, exercises to promote maximum fat loss, nutritional guidelines, and leg stretches to smooth cellulite and elongate leg muscles.