This book is about Information Retrieval (IR), particularly Classical Information Retrieval (CIR). It looks at these topics through their mathematical roots. The mathematical bases of CIR are briefly reviewed, followed by the most important and interesting models of CIR, including Boolean, Vector Space, and Probabilistic. The primary goal of book is to create a context for understanding the principles of CIR by discussing its mathematical bases. This book can be helpful for LIS students who are studying IR but have no knowledge of mathematics. Weakness in math impairs the ability to understand current issues in IR. While LIS students are the main target of this book, it may be of interest to computer science and communications students as well.
Information: Analysis & Usage
Is There Any Knowledge Out There?: The Impact of Research Information on Practitioners
The next day gunmen shot and killed Gunter von Drenkmann , President of the West Berlin Supreme Court , and eight fire bombings occurred in Göttingen , all apparently in retaliation for Meins's death . On May 9 , 1976 , Ulrike Meinhof ...
Provides guidance on how to do research, including how to use libraries and their resources, the Internet, and other sources such as interviews and surveys.
Databases; Vendors - search services; Users of online systems; Performing a search; Terminal equipment; Using microcomputers; The reference process online style; Costs and charging policies; Setting up and managing an online reference ...
Accompanying the interactive storybook is an educators' guide featuring lesson plans for reading the story aloud and many extension lesson ideas for teaching the inquiry process as well as vocabulary words, and reproducible worksheets.
Encyclopedia of Environmental Science, edited by David E. Alexander and Rhodes W. Fairbridge, 741 pages (Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, ... Most entries include a list of references, including useful print and Web resources.
Modern Information Retrieval
[l9]C. Hamilton, The Irish Flute Players Handbook, Cork: Breac Publications, 1990. [20]N. Keegan, The Words of Traditional Flute Style, MPhil Thesis, University College Cork, Music Department, 1992. [21]H. Norbeck, “ABC Tunes,” 2007; ...
Throughout the monograph, enterprise search is discussed as part of the wider information retrieval research field, and Web search is used as a common reference point as this is likely the search application area that the average reader is ...