Did Our Hearts Not Burn Within Us... The mystics have always known that the heart is the most important center of consciousness. We can gain visions through the third eye, enlightenment through the crown. But the true fount of cosmic consciousness is always in the heart. How do we develop our heart-the chakra of Divine Love? How can we be increase the fire of the heart? How can we expand the threefold flame, the very source of life within us? Within Initiations of the Heart, the ascended masters reveal the mysteries of the heart. Most importantly, as we enter into their Word, each one offers a transfer of light-a unique initiation of the heart. The apostles felt the fire of the heart in their encounter with the risen Christ on the road to Emmaus. May you also experience that fire through your encounter with the masters in this age.
As this happens we move closer to a more spiritual and enlightened life. The seven basic initiations involve different parts of ourselves from our bodies, minds, emotions and spirit. This book is not only to be read, but experienced.
The Shared Heart: Relationship Initiations & Celebrations
SHANGRI - LA Franz Benedikter The Secrets of Loving Touch How the loving touch releases hormones that benefit health , happiness , and beauty and are essential for complete physical and spiritual well - being LOTUS LIGHT SHANGRI - LA ...
Did Our Hearts Not Burn Within Us? The mystics have always known that the Heart is the most important center of consciousness.
... heart. Prepare yourself with something you want to begin to manifest in your life, before you listen to the CD track. Know that we will be with you on this journey to assist you, and to witness your initiation into the Sacred heart as ...
The Path of the Soul: The Great Initiations of Every Man
... heart centre); the effect is also felt in the head centre and the heart centre of every initiate. This final dual activity is registered by the initiate of the highest degrees when he undergoes the eighth and ninth initiations; the ...
The second part of this volume is concerned with the Rays and the Initiations, those nine major expansions of consciousness through which the initiate becomes progressively liberated from the various forms of our planetary life, ultimately ...
46 ; Ecuador earthquake : World Almanac 1987 , p . 541 ; 1988 drought and fires : Billings Gazette , 20 January 1989 ; World Almanac 1989 , p . 65 ; 1988 floods in China : 1989 Information Please Almanac , p .
This collection of hundreds of techniques and practices will guide you to awaken consciousness, perform healing for yourself and others, and return to the core natural medical knowledge of the ages.