Here is the neglected path of the genuine free market: a path that has been blazed and fought for all his life by one lone, embattled, distinguished, and dazzlingly creative economist: Ludwig von Mises.
The content really serves as an expansion on the first essay rather than an updated form of the same, so it makes sense to have them placed together.Therefore this book might be called "Rothbard on Mises" but it really serves as the best, ...
Planning for Freedom, and Sixteen Other Essays and Addresses: Ludwig Von Mises. Also, the Essential Von Mises
Essentials of Economics
The Scholars Edition brings both books together to form a magnificent whole. --Hans-Hermann Hoppe In 1972, this book was selling in hardback for $130-$150 in current dollars.
Review of Anarchism, by R. Hoffman, ed., Choice (January 1971): 1577. (Unsigned) “Milton Friedman Unraveled.” Individualist (February 1971): 3–7. “Takeoff,” “Come One! Come All!” “Correction,” “Living Free,” “Recommended Reading.
But the publisher decided to cut the last part of the book, a part that appeared years later as Power and Market. This is the section that applies the theory presented in the first 1,000 pages to matters of government intervention.
In this thorough yet concise introduction to Mises life, economics, and influence, Kirzner (a former student of Mises and an influential free-market economist himself) traces the key elements of Mises'...
Mystery of Banking, The
Essentials of Economics
"Originally delivered as a lecture at Princeton University, October 1958, at the 9th meeting of the Mont Pelerin Society"--Page 7. Includes bibliographical references.