The Libertarian Party is tiny by comparison to the two major parties in the United States, but it is the third largest party in the nation and the only non-major party to make it onto the presidential ballot in all 50 states in 2016.
The Libertarianism of Charles Murray: An Appreciation
Guide to over 250 reviews of films touching upon subjects such as free speech, the draft, drug laws, taxation, regulation ... and many more.
“ I will not refuse to do the something I can do ” wrote 19thcentury author and noted abolitionist Edward Everett Hale . That is the same conclusion Ed and I came to . The " something ” we could do is to try and do whatever possible to ...
Twelve-term US Congressman and three-time presidential candidate Ron Paul reveals an intensely personal side as he reflects on growing up during World War II. He provides a powerful critique of a 20th century full of war.
A political and economic philosophy as old as John Locke and John Stuart Mill, but as alive and timely as Rand Paul, the Tea Party, and the novels of Ayn Rand, libertarianism emphasizes individual rights and calls for a radical reduction in ...
The book derives the welfare state from right-libertarian principles and, therefore, arrives at policy prescriptions of the political left based on the philosophical principles of the political right.
Enter Murray Rothbard, author of Anatomy of the State, whose book teaches the Tuttle Twins that the fate of the future--and all of humanity --depends on thinking of ways we can work together peacefully, to build a better society without ...
Government intervention was required for economic growth and for economic recovery. These are but a few of the many misconceptions that constantly need revisiting, and are addressed within this volume.
He coined the term vonu (invulnerability to coercion) and discussed non-political means of achieving freedom here and now. This collection of articles draws on Rayo's experiences as a van nomad and wilderness dweller.