This fourth issue of 2013 features articles from internationally recognized legal scholars, and extensive research in Comments authored by University of Chicago Law School students. Contents of Vol. 80, No. 4, include: ARTICLES * Bankruptcy Law as a Liquidity Provider, by Kenneth Ayotte & David A. Skeel Jr. * Impeaching Precedent, by Charles L. Barzun * Copyright in Teams, by Anthony J. Casey & Andres Sawicki * Inside or Outside the System?, by Eric A. Posner & Adrian Vermeule REVIEW ESSAY * Francis Lieber and the Modern Law of War, by Paul Finkelman COMMENTS * Having Their Cake and Eating It Too? Post-emancipation Child Support as a Valid Judicial Option, by Lauren C. Barnett * Equal Opportunity: Federal Employees' Right to Sue on Title VII and Tort Claims, by Kristin Sommers Czubkowski * Using Severability Doctrine to Solve the Retroactivity Unit-of-Analysis Puzzle: A Dodd-Frank Case Study, by Hannah Garden-Monheit * I Didn't Do It: Third-Party Debtors and the Securities Law Violation Exception to Discharge, by Hillel Nadler * "Super Contacts": Invoking Aiding-and-Abetting Jurisdiction to Hold Foreign Nonparties in Contempt of Court, by Julia K. Schwartz * Taking Leases, by Nicholas Spear * Disability Claims, Guidance Documents, and the Problem of Nonlegislative Rules, by Frederick W. Watson Quality ebook editions feature active Contents, linked footnotes, and linked URLs in notes.
University of Chicago Law Review ... 94 Va L Rev 385, 437–54 (2008) (discussing how the “norms attendant to the institution of heterosexual marriage”inform family law); Laura A.Rosenbury ... 117 Green Card (Touchstone Pictures 1990).
... and that their incentives to assimilate will be weakened if they are faced with arbitrary procedures or the criminalization of the very acts that lead to assimilation (including the criminalization of various forms of “harboring” ...
Jack Ross played by Kevin Bacon). Indeed, we later learn that the case was specifically assigned to Kaffee so a plea would be reached and the sensational case would remain private. When Kaffee and Ross first discuss the case, ...
62, pp. 1695–1728. Sing, James J. 1999, “Culture as Sameness: Toward a Synthetic View of Provocation and Culture in the Criminal Law,” Yale Law Journal, vol. 108, pp. 1845–84. Sommers, Tamler 2012, Relative Justice: Cultural Diversity, ...
UBS now has a dedicated compensation report that runs for 56 pages, while deutsche Bank has one similar that runs 41 pages. ... power and rent extraction in the design of executive compensation”, University of Chicago Law Review, vol.
From one of the leading intellectuals of the digital age, The Digital Republic is the definitive guide to the great political question of our time: how can freedom and democracy survive in a world of powerful digital technologies?
Cleveland, Sarah (2006). “Our International Constitution,” Yale journal oflnternational Law, Vol. 31, No.1, pp. 1—125. ... Science Review, Vol. 80, No.4, pp. 1151—69. Dunoff, jeffrey (2008). “Less Than Zero,” Loyola University Chicago ...
12, No. 1, 1-15. Ariel Ezrachi, 'Sponge', Journal of Antitrust Enforcement, 2017, Vol. 5, No. 1, 49-75. ... 12 Spencer Weber Waller, 'Antitrust and Democracy', Loyola University Chicago School of Law, 11 December 2017.
Hayek, F.A. (1945) 'The Use of Knowledge in Society', American Economic Review, Vol. 35(4), pp. 519–30. Herman, B.D. (2013) The Fight ... original text from the Online Library of Liberty. Mokyr, J. (2009) 'Intellectual Property Rights, ...
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