This book "sets out to change the current conversation about what it means to get older.
Filled with empowering stories of elders who find purpose and belonging within their senior residences, Disrupting the Status Quo of Senior Living builds on AARP's disrupt aging work and demonstrates that to truly transform senior living, ...
Exploring Age Bias and How to End It Tracey Gendron. Old as Diseased A perspective on aging and oldness contrary to the one presented above also existed throughout history . The Sir Edwin Smith Surgical Papyrus ( 2800-2700 BCE ) ...
Love Your Age is the ultimate guide to looking and feeling your best, whether you're 45 or 65.
Positive stereotypes (e.g., "older and wiser") may provide a benefit to the relevant groups. However, negative stereotypes of aging and of disability continue to persist and, in some cases, remain socially acceptable.
Keep your brain young, healthy, and sharp with this science-driven guide to protecting your mind from decline by neurosurgeon and CNN chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta.
The book provides readers with the information they need to gain or deepen the skills needed to evaluate the mechanisms of aging and age-related diseases and to monitor the effectiveness of therapies aimed at slowing aging.
In The Menopause Switch, Dr. Carissa Alinat offers science-based facts that she translates into easy-to-follow, natural and actionable tips so that any woman suffering from menopause can easily regain the vitality and body of her youth.
In How Not to Age, the internationally renowned physician and nutritionist breaks down the science of aging and chronic illness and explains how to help avoid the diseases most commonly encountered in our journeys through life.
ust select by group opening of people this book, who are you taking have become a big step a toward member a betof a ter future for yourself and your family. Most studies show that only a third of Americans have made even the most basic ...
Harvard's George Vaillant now uses these studies -- the most complete ever done anywhere in the world -- and the subjects' individual histories to illustrate the factors involved in reaching a happy, healthy old age.