DIVOur acclaimed Month-by-Month Gardening series gets a fresh update for gardeners located in Minnesota and Wisconsin./divDIV/divDIVFor over a decade, do-it-yourself gardeners in the Midwestern United States have turned to the expert advice of Melinda Myers. Her unrivaled local gardening mastery has helped transform our Month-by-Month Gardening series into the definitive when-to and how-to resource for gardeners in regions across the country. Now, with a redesigned and easier-to-use format, fully updated information, and additional photography, this new edition of Minnesota & Wisconsin Month-by-Month Gardening is packed with all the knowledge the Minnesota/Wisconsin gardener or home landscaper needs to be successful./divDIV/divDIVInside, you’ll find all the specifics on growing annual and perennial flowers, bulbs, grasses (both lawn and ornamental), groundcovers, shrubs, trees, and vines throughout the year. Even during our infamously cold and barren winter months, Myers will have you planning for and improving upon the next growing season. In the spring and summer, you’ll be well equipped to cultivate the most beautiful flowers, the lushest lawns, and the sturdiest trees. From planting, watering, and fertilizing to routine maintenance and problem solving, Minnesota & Wisconsin Month-by-Month Gardening educates gardeners of all skill levels on the best practices for satisfying, rewarding results. And best of all, you’ll be reaping the benefits all year round./div
Gardening is now the favorite leisure pastime in America. Homeowners are realizing the health benefits derived from gardening and the increase in their home's property value. Book retailers are well...
Grow the Best Flowers, Shrubs, Trees, Vines & Groundcovers Melinda Myers ... Include asters in your garden design to help attract butterflies, for use as cut flowers, and for a little winter interest. A little early season care or ...
"Filled with tips and commonsense advice, this annual calendar also features useful and interesting garden topics to help you keep your yard looking its best every month of the year"--Cover.
Curtis, John T. The Vegetation of Wisconsin. The University of Wisconsin Press: Jackson, MN, 1978. Dirr, Michael A. Manual of Woody Landscape Plants, 4th edition. Stipes Publishing Co.: Urbana, IL, 1990. DiSabato-Aust, Tracy.
Never garden alone! The Month-By-Month series is the perfect companion to take the guesswork out of gardening. With this book, you’ll know what to do each month to have gardening success all year.
Never garden alone! The Month-By-Month series is the perfect companion to take the guesswork out of gardening. With this book, you’ll know what to do each month to have gardening success all year.
Never garden alone! The Month-By-Month series is the perfect companion to take the guesswork out of gardening. With this book, you'll know what to do each month to have gardening success all year.
Other books in the series include Florida Gardener’s Handbook, Mid-Atlantic Gardener’s Handbook, Northwest Gardener’s Handbook, and many others.
... 195 Korean Mountain Ash, 195 Showy Mountainash, 195 Mum, 54, 131 'Clara Curtis', 131 'Duchess of Edinburgh', 131 'Matchsticks', 131 'My Favorite Mum'TM, 131 Muscari armeniacum, 68 Muscari aucheri 'Blue Magic', 68 Muscari botryoides, ...
Also included in this new edition are comprehensive plant profiles and gardening essentials for more than 600 native flowers, trees, shrubs, vines, evergreens, grasses, and ferns.