Organized by seven broad subject areas, offers reading lists for children in grades K through eight for use by librarians and teachers.
Elephant and Piggie Series, 59 Williams, Mary. Brothers in Hope, 130 Williams, Tad. Tailchaser's Song, 236 Williams-Garcia, Rita. Jumped, 182, 196 Wilson, Diane L. I Rode a Horse of Milk White Jade, 203 Wilson, Jacqueline.
The stories in this book are organized by age level, but we think they are timeless and enjoyable no matter how old you are. -- Page 5.
Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons will bring you and your child closer together, while giving your child the reading skills needed now, for a better chance at tomorrow.
For ages 3 to 5 years.
The perfect gift from Grandma or Grandpa is a book they coloured themselves, or with their favourite grand children. These original drawings are ready to be completed with your own love and creativity.
The book offers over 100 fascinating facts about: Black Rhino Mountain Gorilla Leatherback Turtle Sumatran Elephant Vaquita Porpoise Galapagos Penguin Red Panda Bengal Tiger Black-Footed Ferret African Wild Dog These animals are just a ...
Each page was hand-drawn and edited by K J Kraemer, with you in mind. If you don't want to spend days on a project or just want room to get creative, this adult coloring book is for you!
Packed with activities, booktalks, and reading lists, this book will promote fiction reading and encourage the disscussion to go further into real-life activities.
In this volume, Teodor and his long-suffering mate will be joined by: Guard Admiral Reinier of the Political Police. (He insists that the condiments on the tables in the officer's mess be arranged symmetrically at all times.) Teodor's ...
Fun rhyming text introduces children to each planet and basic facts about it. The text is accompanied by stunning images of a rocket traveling through the solar system, interspersed by close up images of each planet in order.