Created in consultation with teachers and public librarians, this fantastic collection of 101 ready-to-use book lists provides invaluable help for any educator who plans activities for children that involve using literature.
Elephant and Piggie Series, 59 Williams, Mary. Brothers in Hope, 130 Williams, Tad. Tailchaser's Song, 236 Williams-Garcia, Rita. Jumped, 182, 196 Wilson, Diane L. I Rode a Horse of Milk White Jade, 203 Wilson, Jacqueline.
The stories in this book are organized by age level, but we think they are timeless and enjoyable no matter how old you are. -- Page 5.
The Reconstruction Amendments, 156 Burgess, Melvin. Smack, 227 Burney, Claudia Mair. The Exorsistah, 63 Burnford, Sheila Every. The Incredible Journey, 159 Burns, Laura J. The Case of the Slippery Soap Star, 57 Burton, Virginia Lee.
Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons will bring you and your child closer together, while giving your child the reading skills needed now, for a better chance at tomorrow.
Provides instructions for non-competitive games that use music tapes or CDs and simple instruments to help children learn about music and sound and develop creative, personal, and social skills
The Learn to Read Activity Book gets kids excited to learn by incorporating 101 fun and colorful exercises developed by an experienced primary school educator.
The book offers over 100 fascinating facts about: Black Rhino Mountain Gorilla Leatherback Turtle Sumatran Elephant Vaquita Porpoise Galapagos Penguin Red Panda Bengal Tiger Black-Footed Ferret African Wild Dog These animals are just a ...
Contains a collection of 101 reproducible activities and exercises designed to engage students in the writing process, encouraging children to write and talk about a wide range of text components.
*Colorful Ladybug Cover* Sketchbooks are a staple for every young artist. These blank books encourage creativity with art and storytelling.
Updated and improved writing exercises All new content on social media and establishing an online presence as an author Fresh, updated content on publishing via hard copy and all the e- platforms From setting down that first word on paper ...