Urbanism and Urbanity is a groundbreaking cultural history of the nineteenth- and early twentieth-century bourgeois public sphere in Spain. It analyzes the literary representation and construction of gender-based social rituals inscribed onto the map of modern Spanish cities. Addressing novels from Realism to Modernism as documents of customs in dialogue with urban treatises, conduct manuals, and city guides, the book presents a comprehensive picture of the discursive generation of the Spanish urban middle class.
Gerald Wood. „Die postmoderne Stadt: Neue Formen der Urbanität im Übergang vom zweiten ins dritte Jahrtausend“. Kulturgeographie: Aktuelle Ansätze und Entwicklungen. Hrsg. Hans Gebhardt, Paul Reuber und Günter Wolkersdorfer.
Times Literary Supplement En El campo y la ciudad, probablemente el mejor trabajo de Williams, su capacidad intelectual y la pasion ideologica, asi como su integridad personal, se aunan de un modo mas convincente que nunca.
An account of Laura Ingalls Wilder's childhood home at Walnut Grove, MN
This book looks at Anderson's early fiction from contemporary interpretative methodologies, particularly from poststructuralist approaches.
This volume explores the novel from various deliberately diverse perspectives, setting it in historical, critical, and aesthetic contexts and examining how its impact has been kept alive to the present day.
Olhares sensíveis. As belezas das cidades e suas barbáries é um livro coletivo que, em seu espírito geral e em seus diferentes artigos, tenta desvendar e compreender os olhares dos filmes sobre a beleza das cidades.