This book offers animal law cases as a new lens through which law professors and students may explore core legal concepts across a broad range of courses, including contracts, criminal law, torts, property, constitutional law, commercial law, wills and trusts, domestic relations, environmental law, evidence, patent and tax law. This book helps law professors easily add a new perspective to cases they may already teach, and to incorporate new applications of legal concepts with the addition of animal law cases and conversation.
Arriving at Hervey Bay on the coast of Queensland!
Chasing the Dream
Thus this book contributes a new new topic of inquiry to Victorian studies; its combination of rhetorical analysis with more conventional methods of historical research offers a novel perspective on Victorian culture.
An Elephant in the Room: The Science and Well-being of Elephants in Captivity
Provides teaching strategies, background, and suggested resources; reproducible student pages to use before, during, and after reading--Cover.
Under the Stairs
I'm Brian Mason , the director of the show . That means I'm responsible for what you see on your TV screens when you watch The Time Travelers . I deal with the filming of the show and also the casting of the characters .
Criminal Code Amendment (Animal Protection) Bill 2015
Velfard hos ungkvag
A look at the diseases of factory farmed animals that are transmissible to humans.