Communications Law and Policy in the Digital Age: The Next Five Years

Data transmission systems
Randolph J. May


The marketplace and technological changes that have occurred since the last major revision of the Communications Act in 1996 have rendered existing law and policy woefully outdated, if not obsolete. In the past fifteen years there has been a switch from analog to digital services, from narrowband to broadband networks, and, most importantly, from a mostly monopolistic to a generally competitive environment. In Communications Law and Policy in the Digital Age: The Next Five Years, some of the nation's most eminent scholars explain why communications law and policy should be changed in response to these profound marketplace transitions. And, as importantly, the contributors explain how law and policy should be changed. There are many specific reform proposals offered in this collection of essays. Given the competition that has developed across most communications markets, the recommendations generally call for less government regulation and more marketplace freedom. With its forward-looking proposals, the book should be particularly valuable not only for academics and students, but for policymakers and law practitioners as well. Topics covered in the chapters include broadband and Internet policy, net neutrality regulation, spectrum policy and spectrum auctions, wireless regulation, universal service reform, public media reform, a new Digital Age Communications Act, and the political economy of communications reform. The contributors, each of whom is a recognized expert on the subjects they address, are: Representative Marsha Blackburn, Michelle Connolly, Seth Cooper, Ellen Goodman, Daniel Lyons, Randolph May, Bruce Owen, James Speta, and Christopher Yoo.

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