Introduction to Policing: The Pillar of Democracy is an introductory textbook focused on the underlying reasons why policing is conducted the way it is, why police officers police the society in the manner they do, and, finally, why law enforcement is perceived and criticized by the public the way it is. As indicated in the title, the book weaves the themes of democratic principles into the chapters. Through addressing the basic blocks of fair and professional policing, the understanding of democracy from the prism of certain police actions or inactions becomes comprehensible from a very pragmatic perspective. Other introductory policing textbooks simply concentrate on the functions of policing or on the processes that cause officers to feel the way they do, but without explanations of police functions in democratic societies.Whether democracies are developed or are developing, they consistently provide more freedoms for their citizens than others. The basic principle of the ''majority rule,'' which is based on elections that are procedurally and substantively fair, is the rule of thumb around which certain themes of this text will be addressed. Civil rights, civil liberties and due process embed many of the operational realities of policing. Whether one addresses notions such as use of force, search and seizure, discretion, sub-culture, or intelligence gathering, it is always done from the perspective of the need to preserve precisely these themes, which are part of the human rights and civil rights concepts which underlie any type of a democratic society.
L'amiral Jacques Lanxade a été le conseiller militaire du président François Mitterrand avant d'être Chef d'Etat-Major des Armées. Ambassadeur de France en Tunisie de 1995 à 1999, il a redécouvert...
This book moves beyond the methodological nationalism of most comparative political analysis and creates an understanding of democracy linked to the global political economy by providing alternative narratives of struggles over ...
本书主要内容包括:绪论, 失败的民主记忆, 民主转型, 政党政治, 伊斯兰与印尼民主化, 地方分权改革, 公民社会, 结论.
The United States and other nations are fast approaching a fateful decision on whether or not to go to war with Iraq.
Electing to Fight: Why Emerging Democracies Go to War
Tom Harkin (D-Iowa): Just think about it. Here we are, the— the most powerful military nation on earth. No one can even remotely challenge us. And a ragtag bunch of thugs, less than a hundred of them, turns back a United States ship.
“The people” famously ousted Ferdinand Marcos from power in the Philippines in 1986.
La política en el Perú del siglo XX