What makes Business Law and Organizations for Paralegals incredibly different than the other books in this field is that it covers a large variety of subjects important to corporate law, as well as the basics of corporate law, while doing so in a manageable number of pages and at an affordable price. The additional aspects covered in this book, which are of great importance to the practice of corporate law, include employment law, intellectual property law, contracts, investing, the business entity as a litigant, and corporate ethics. This book could be used to teach those subjects, especially intellectual property, in addition to corporate law, thus reducing the necessity of students buying two books for two separate classes. Even if these subjects are not covered in additional classes, it is extremely important with the current economy to introduce students to a wide variety of subjects so as to increase their job prospects. For example, intellectual property is currently one of the fastest growing segments of our economy. The second edition of Business Law and Organizations for Paralegals provides updates on new legal changes, especially in the law of Limited Liability Companies. In addition, the textbook has more state-specific information, for each state in the nation. Some of the additional subjects are covered to provide students with a basis of knowledge for their own benefit, such as investing. While some students may not be interested in the basics of corporate law, most are interested in investing, which is something that can apply to them individually. The basics of corporate law is also well-covered, including sole proprietorships, general partnerships, limited partnerships, limited liability partnerships, limited liability companies, and for-profit corporations (with several chapters covering for-profit corporations).
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... Qd R 576: 49 Bacchus Marsh Concentrated Milk Company Ltd (in liq) v Joseph Nathan & Co Ltd (1919) 26 CLR 410: 224, ... 285 Barber v Keech (1987) 64 LGRA 116: 170 Barclay v Messenger (1874) 43 LJ Ch 449: 307 Barina Properties Pty Ltd ...
Introduction to Canadian Business, Frederick A. Starke ... [et Al.], Fourth Edition. Instructor's Manual
Written by authors with an extensive track record in teaching business, the Europe, Middle East and Africa Edition of this bestselling volume features an up-to-date and comprehensive survey of the functional areas of business, including ...
Introduction to Business
Instructor's Manual for Business, a Practical Approach
The sale of the carcass to a wholesaler, and the subsequent sale to a butcher, is therefore GST-free. If the butcher sells the meat to a customer it will also be GST-free. If the butcher sells it to a restaurant, that sale will be ...