In this compelling and hard-hitting book, respected preacher and teacher Thomas Long identifies and responds to what he sees as the most substantive theological forces and challenges facing preaching today. The issues, he says, are fourfold: the decline in the quality of narrative preaching and the need for its reinvigoration; the tendency of preachers to ignore God's action and presence in our midst; the return of the church's old nemesis, gnosticism--albeit in a milder form--evidenced in today's new "spirituality"; and the absence of eschatology in the pulpit. Long once again has his finger on the pulse of American preaching, demonstrated by his creative responses to these challenges. Whether he is calling for theologically smarter and more ethically discerning preaching, providing a method of interpretation that will allow pastors to recover the emphasis on God in our midst, or encouraging a kind of "interfaith dialogue" with gnosticism, he demonstrates why he has long been considered one of the most thoughtful and intelligent preachers in America today.
This is a newly revised edition of one of the standard introductory preaching textbooks on the market today.
Preaching After God highlights the trajectories of the postmodern return of religion by introducing readers to the positive theological themes stirring in the work of influential philosophers like Jacques Derrida, John Caputo, and Slavoj ...
Brueggemann explores how these traditions have the potential to continually resonate in our contemporary communities and individual lives.
The eloquence that delighted the crowds at the feet of Daniel Webster and William Jennings Bryan would strike the modern ear as verbose and self-conscious. In the electronic age the “fireside chat” is more effective than the purple ...
In this unique book, which combines theological analysis and homiletical reflection,Charles Campbell examines post liberal theology as it is embodied in the work of Hans Frei and develops the implications of this theological position for ...
Nieman and Rogers contend that one of preaching's pivotal roles is to signify hope itself, that is, ... to note Ted Smith's remarks about eschatological memory in a sermon—that is, eschatological story from a redeemed perspective.
In recent homiletical discourse, the distinction between the “what” and “how” of preaching, or sermon content and sermon form (including delivery style), is obscured. ... Long, Preaching from Memory to Hope, xiii.
PREACHING ON TRINITY SUNDAY The readings in the new lectionary cycle contain abundant material for preaching on Trinity Sunday. With the help of modern homiletical aids, ministers of the word of God can effectively speak about the ways ...
The “Articles” stated plainly that “we do not, therefore, believe that the 'general call', or use of general invitations and exhortations, is preaching the gospel.” Such tactics intruded on the work of the Spirit; a preacher should ...
The world is experiencing the Blues, and pulpiteers are dispensing excessive doses of non-prescribed prosaic sermons with severe ecclesiastical and theological side effects." â€"from chapter 1 Uniquely gifted preacher Otis Moss III helps ...