Explore the mysteries of the feminine divine Joseph Campbell brought mythology to a mass audience. His bestselling books, including The Power of Myth and The Hero with a Thousand Faces, are the rare blockbusters that are also scholarly classics. While Campbell’s work reached wide and deep as he covered the world’s great mythological traditions, he never wrote a book on goddesses in world mythology. He did, however, have much to say on the subject. Between 1972 and 1986 he gave over twenty lectures and workshops on goddesses, exploring the figures, functions, symbols, and themes of the feminine divine, following them through their transformations across cultures and epochs. In this provocative volume, editor Safron Rossi—a goddess studies scholar, professor of mythology, and curator of collections at Opus Archives, which holds the Joseph Campbell archival manuscript collection and personal library—collects these lectures for the first time. In them, Campbell traces the evolution of the feminine divine from one Great Goddess to many, from Neolithic Old Europe to the Renaissance. He sheds new light on classical motifs and reveals how the feminine divine symbolizes the archetypal energies of transformation, initiation, and inspiration.
Ancient peoples believed as firmly in their gods and goddesses as people believe in their religions today. These books help children understand how people lived in ancient times, what they believed, and why.
... 1319–1320 morning star see Venus ( planet ) Mother Shipton 1 : 124 mountains 10 : 1316 in China 3 : 307 Muhammad 7 ... rain god 5 : 614 masks of Anubis , and burial rituals 1 : 110 Aztec 2 : 206 Greek Agamemnon 1:48 , 49 Demeter 3 ...
London: G. Bell & Sons, 1971. Campbell, J. F. Popular Tales of the West Highlands. Vol. 3. Edinburgh: Edmonston and Douglas, 1862. Carmichael, Alexander. Carmina Gadelica: Hymns and Incantations. Hudson, NY: Lindisfarne Press, 1992.
They come out in your dreams, your creativity, and your passion. They represent you in all your glory and complexity, and you represent them. They are the goddesses and heroines...
Giving Western literature and art many of its most enduring themes and archetypes, Greek mythology and the gods and goddesses at its core are a fundamental part of the popular imagination.
In The Goddess, David Leeming and Christopher Fee take us all the way back into prehistory, tracing the goddess across vast spans of time to tell the epic story of the transformation of belief and what it says about who we are.
Presents evidence to support the author's woman-centered interpretation of prehistoric civilizations, considering the prehistoric goddesses, gods and religion, and discussing the living goddesses--deities which have continued to be ...
Three goddesses, banished to earth by their dad, Zeus (yeah, that Zeus).
Rosemary Radford Ruether presents an illuminating portrait of goddesses and sacred female imagery in Western culture, from prehistory to contemporary goddess movements.
One hundred of these goddesses, each with a page of informative text presented in words and art.