I Wish We Could Stay Here Forever begins with five-year-old Billy squirming in the church pew at his beloved Nana's funeral. The minister tells the story of Jesus attending the funeral of a good friend, where Jesus says something about not really dying when you die. Billy doesn't understand what this means. Instead, he is remembering the fond times spent with Nana, as they walked the dog, made cookies, and played hide and seek. That evening, Billy opens a conversation with his mother about Nana dying and what the minister said. To help him understand, Billy's mom tells him a story about twins being made in the same womb, and how they loved the womb so much that they both wished they could stay forever. But they know that they must be born, and wonder if there is life after birth! The twins soon find themselves in the loving warmth of their mother's arms. Billy and his mother talk about how they wish Nana could have stayed with them forever, but they find consolation in believing that it's not the end of life, but a new beginning. Dr. Randy Paige is a full-time pastor and part-time marriage and family counselor in Port Jefferson, New York.This children's story is born from personal experience as a Christian pastor who takes funerals seriously. When young children are present my heart goes out to them. The 'Parable' in the story has helped hundreds of children understand God's promise of life after death. He and his wife, Leslie, have four sons and four grandchildren. He is writing his next book. Publisher's website: http: //sbpra.com/RandyPaig