Understanding the Bible: Head and Heart provides readers a forum for more fully comprehending the Bible. Each book of the Bible tells a story that relates to the larger story, and to understand each book's story it is important to understand the larger story, and vice versa. To do so, however, entails a careful reading of the entire Bible, grasping both the fact of the story and the spirit of the story. Understanding the Bible: Head and Heart provides prose summaries for helping the reader to understand and remember the fact of the story, and poetic summaries for helping the reader to experience the story and thereby to more readily ingest its spirit. Since Understanding the Bible: Head and Heart would be a bit lengthy under one cover, it is divided into two parts: Part One addresses The Old Testament, and Part Two addresses The New Testament. This publication is Part One. Part Two is forthcoming. Bob Dowell, English professor, retired from the University of Texas-Pan American in 1999 in order to devote full time to a project conceived while teaching his favorite course: "The Bible as Literature." He envisioned developing a forum in which readers could readily engage in a head and heart understanding of the Bible. For a decade he worked on the project all the while piloting his production through a church sponsored bible study: "Back to the Bible with Dr. Bob." The success of that study spoke convincingly to the efficacy of publishing the materials for purposes of reaching a wider audience. Thus, Dr. Bob's vision becomes a reality in the publication of Understanding the Bible: Head and Heart. Fittingly, his first publication as a professor is an article in College English (1965) entitled "The Moment of Grace in the Fiction of Flannery O'Connor."
Originally featured as articles in the ESV Study Bible, these eighteen essays have been repurposed and republished in a convenient format.
A prominent expert on biblical rhetoric and the ritualization of books, James W. Watts describes how Jews and Christians ritualize the Bible by interpreting it, by expressing it in recitations, music, art, and film, and by venerating the ...
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1900 edition. Excerpt: .
Features include: The “Arc of Bible History” to help you visualize the Bible’s overarching themes The “Story of the Bible” summarizing Genesis through Revelation in just a few pages The core beliefs of the Christian faith, ...
In this book, Sam Rainer will help you Understand God’s big picture as revealed in the Bible Explore the major themes of Scripture Know quickly and easily the subject and purpose of each book of the Bible See the entire masterpiece ...
Your study of Scripture will be enriched and enhanced by this valuable book!"--Lee Strobel, editor, The Case for Christ Study Bible "The books on how to interpret the Bible are many.
What was going on during the gap between the Old and New Testaments? How do all the books of the Bible fit together as a whole? This book answers these questions and puts clear, readable Bible study aids at your fingertips.
Young and old. Those who have read the Bible for years and those just starting out. This book, How to Understand the Bible: A Simple Guide, will help you gain an overall perspective on the flow and meaning of Scripture.
All the other tribes settled west of the Jordan; no land was assigned to the tribe of Levi because they were to serve the Lord and take care of tribal worship. The other tribes had the obligation to support the Levites.
(Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1970), 25. 7. Jeff Sharp, "Philo's Method of Allegorical Interpretations," ... Hans-Georg Gadamer, Truth and Method (London: Sheed and Ward, 1975), 273. 41. Clark H. Pinnock, Biblical Revelation — The ...