In this book, Walzak, Collura and Vidotto bring together an invited collection of writing from emerging scholars about sports, sports media and equity. We are excited about this work as authors span from undergraduates and Masters students to doctoral candidates from Canada and Ireland. All of us are passionate and excited about the possibilities for equity and radical change that needs to happen across the sports and sports media landscape to make sports truly equitable. This collection reflects the author's personal investments and interest in sports. Chapter themes include racialized sports women, media inequities in women's sports including basketball, soccer and swimming, and personal narratives of disability in sport.
"In this book, Walzak, Collura and Vidotto bring together an invited collection of writing from emerging scholars about sport, sport media and equity. Authors span from undergraduates and Masters students to doctoral candidates.
The Routledge Handbook of Sport and New Media is the most comprehensive and in-depth study of the impact of new media in sport ever to be published.
... girls: The gendered language of televised sports. In D.S. Eitzen (Ed.), Sport in ... Beer and liquor ads in mega sports media events. Signs, 30, 1879–1909 ... babes, and balls: Masculinity and sports talk radio. Albany, NY: SUNY Press ...
The volume is framed by a seminal article outlining the parameters of the communication of sports and pointing to major issues that need to be addressed in the relationship between sports and media.
Bringing together many of the most influential scholars in sport and media studies, this book examines the diverse ways that media influences our understanding of the world’s most important sport events, dubbed sports mega-events.
In 2012, the Global X Games Series included six events, including the new locations of Barcelona (Spain), Munich (Germany) and Foz do Iguacu (Brazil). In this section we discuss the politics of producing the X Games in international ...
Examining the ways in which media sport has insinuated itself into contemporary everyday life, this book traces the rise of the sports media and the economic and political influences on and implications of the media sports cultural complex.
known as the anti-siphoning list, which sporting events are to be available on free-to-air television. ... similar to the legislation passed in the United Kingdom, where the list is divided into Tier A and Tier B events.
The Second Edition of Communication and Sport: Surveying the Field offers the most comprehensive and diverse approach to the study of communication and sport available at the undergraduate level. Newly...
ESPN's D-League was coproduced with the NBA to provide an insight into the real lives of minor-league players ... cable sports networks are providing more in-depth stats and analysis according to the rules and standings of the fantasy ...