Here is Pulitzer Prize-winning author Bruce Catton’s unsurpassed account of the Civil War, one of the most moving chapters in American history. Introduced by Pulitzer Prize-winner James M. McPherson, the book vividly traces the epic struggle between the Blue and Gray, from the early division between the North and South to the final surrender of Confederate troops.
836 pictures illustrating the Civil War with a narrative that covers both military and political aspects of the war.
A narrative account of the Civil War
Period prints, photographs, and documents accompany this penetrating examination of the political, military, and social aspects of the War Between the States, tracing the conflict from the earliest divisions between North and South to the ...
Here is Pulitzer Prize-winning author Bruce Catton's unsurpassed account of the Civil War, one of the most moving chapters in American history.
The drama and tragedy of the Second World War is revealed in hundreds of great photos (many never before published) and a superb narrative by a Pulitze Prize-winning journalist. 720...
NY: Longman, 1987. Isaacson, Walter. Kissinger. NY: Simon & Schuster, 1992. ____, and Thomas, Evan. The Wise Men: Six Friends and the World They Made. NY: Simon ... Johannsen, Robert W., ed. The Lincoln-Douglas Debates of 1858, ...
The book includes major historical documents, such as the Gettysburg Address, as well as more personalized accounts of the war and of the popular culture of the times found in diaries, advertisements, and magazine and newspaper articles.
Illustrations originally appeared in Battles and Leaders of the Civil War, published 1887-88.
After completing his declaring , “ If Sidney Johnston is size of Johnston's , outmaneuvered term as President , Johnson twice not a general , I have none . ... K was Within a year , its membership revolutionary cavalry officer and E282.
Describes the Civil War battle of Gettysburg, including analysis of the events leading up to the battle and its place in American history.