HARD-CORE JUMP ROPING FOR EXTREME FITNESS You certainly jumped rope as a kid, but you probably didn't realize this fun activity is also a kickass workout for shredding all the major muscles—arms, legs, butt, abs, shoulders and chest. With this book, you turn a simple jump rope into a power tool to: • Build muscle • Boost endurance • Amplify explosive power • Improve agility • Enhance overall fitness From beginning tips on proper form and picking the right rope to advanced tricks like double unders and knee tucks, Ultimate Jump Rope Workouts will teach you to jump like a pro and get in the best shape of your life.
This book covers everything from the benefits and basics to extreme jumps and alternative workouts. The step-by-step approach helps you become proficient in just a few workouts.
The Ultimate Handbook for the Greatest Exercise on the Planet Jump rope workouts are the gold standard for efficient, effective cardio.
Olympian Buddy Lee has developed training programs that have helped athletes on 25 U.S. Olympic teams compete on the international stage.
Packed with easy-to-follow workouts and step-by-step instructions, this book will help you develop the speed and strength you’ll need to crush any obstacle.
Offers easy-to-follow exercises for beginners to elite athletes on the use of weights with the BOSU balance trainer.
The third installment in the highly successful 7 Weeks franchise, this is the ultimate guide to utilizing body weight to strengthen and tone every muscle group in just a few weeks.
Chin-Up. 1 Perform the pull-up with your palms facing you. ... back a little bit so the bar can clearyour chin when you press the bar up. Unrack the bar and take a small step backward or forward (depending on your rack setup or ...
The 12-Minute Athlete is for men and women, ex-athletes and new athletes, experienced athletes and “non-athletes”—for anyone who has a body and wants to get stronger and start living their healthiest life.
In LL Cool J's Platinum Workout, LL let you in on the secrets of his transformation with his uniquely creative, yet no-nonsense regimen—enlivened with humor and sheer force of personality—he will inspire you to enjoy working out as ...
Offers daily training plans for a workout regimen that promises ten pounds of muscle gain in seven weeks, in a work that features step-by-step lifting instructions and a meal plan for maximum muscle growth.