What would classrooms look like if teachers asked fewer questions and students asked more?The authors of Make Just One Change argue that formulating one's own questions is "the single most essential skill for learning"-and one that should be taught to all students. They also maintain that it should be taught in the simplest way possible. Drawing on twenty years of experience, the authors present the Question Formulation Technique, a concise and powerful protocol that enables learners to produce their own questions, improve their questions, and strategize how to use them.Make Just One Change features the voices and experiences of teachers in classrooms across the country to illustrate the use of the Question Formulation Technique across grade levels and subject areas and with different kinds of learners.
In Unoffendable you will find concrete, practical ways to live life with less stress, including: Adjusting your expectations to fit human nature Replacing perpetual anger with refreshing humility and gratitude Embracing forgiveness and ...
Throughout the book you'll also find words and stories of people just like you who have joined the My One Word movement and discovered the power of just one word.
Based on more than two decades of work and research in a wide range of low- and moderate-income communities, this book empowers overburdened and under-resourced educators and parents to work together and achieve their common goal of ...
Using essential questions can be challenging—for both teachers and students—and this book provides guidance through practical and proven processes, as well as suggested "response strategies" to encourage student engagement.
Molly Larkin, “What Is the 7th Generation Principle and Why Do You Need to Know About It?,” from her blog, May 15, 2013, www.mollylarkin.com/whatis-the-7th-generation-principle-and-why-do-you-need-to-know-about-it-3. he waded into a ...
Why does the stream of questions from curious toddlers slow to a trickle as they become teenagers? Most importantly, what can teachers and schools do to reverse this trend? Beautiful Questions in the Classroom has the answers.
Lewis Thomas sees beavers and otters at the Tucson zoo and is “swept off his feet,” he is “transfixed” (6), and the rest of the essay remains flabbergasted, it remains dazed, not trying to reduce the experience to a thesis.
Mitch Pergola, Martin Schnitzer, Kenneth Jewell, Kevin Young, Jacques Gagne, Nicholas Negroponte, Frank Lee, Victor Chau, Albert Hsu, HT Chen, Vance Ke, Ben Chuang, Johnson Huang, Sam Chang, Alex Chu, Roger Huang, and the rest of the ...
To get the best answer-in business, in life-you have to ask the best possible question. Innovation expert Warren Berger shows that ability is both an art and a science.
Această carte antrenantă și practică este ghidul de care ai nevoie ca să scapi de deprinderile proaste și să-ți formezi unele bune." – Adam Grant, autorul bestsellerurilor Originalii și Option B. Inspirându-se din cele mai noi ...