Despite the impressive growth of inclusive education around the world, questions and considerations about equity have been neglected. This edited volume makes a major contribution to the field of inclusive education by analyzing equity concerns that have emerged from the implementation of inclusive education models in nine nations on five continents. The authors examine how disparate approaches to inclusive education are mediated by the official and implicit goals of public education; by access to intellectual, human, and material resources; and by collective understanding of and educational responses to sociocultural differences. Inclusive Education provides critical reviews of research on this important education reform movement, as well as a refined theoretical understanding of the ways equity is addressed. It also offers lessons for future policy and research that are mindful of equity. Contributors include Roey Ahram, Girma Berhanu, Gottfried Biewer, Inés Dussel, Alan Dyson, Brian Edgar, Petra Engelbrecht, Edward Fergus, Lisa Jones, Roger Jeffery, Kirstin Kerr, Jessica M. Löser, Mikael Luciak, Ray McDermott, Kagendo Mutua, Nidhi Singal, Beth Scarloss, Carlos Skliar, Beth Blue Swadener, and Rolf Werning.
A practical guide to working with primary and secondary students who need extra attention.
Aligned with CEC Initial Content Standards, Teaching Everyone is a core text that fully prepares teachers to see past disability labels and work with all children's individual needs and strengths.
... S. 198 Johnson, D.W. 191–192, 200–201 Johnson, Harriet McBryde 41 Johnson, L. 167 Johnson, R. T. 191–192, 200–201 Jones, ... see also cooperative learning Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) 4,69–70, 72, 148, 159, 165 Lee, Carol 152 ...
This book answers two questions: What does the implementation of inclusive education require of a system of education and all parts of the system?
Boston, MA: Merrill/Prentice Hall. United States Department of Education. (2014). New accountability framework raises the bar for state special education programs. U.S. Department of Education.
Filled with practical strategies and informed by solid theory and research, Inclusive Teaching provides teachers and other educational professionals with tools for building inclusive schools that support all learners in...
Actively seeking inclusion: Pupils with special needs in mainstream schools. Philadelphia, PA: Falmer Press. Ball, S.J. (2013). Foucault, power, and education. London & New York, NY: Routledge. Barton, L. (2004).
Placing a student on the autism spectrum in a busy classroom with a pair of noise-cancelling headphones and an aide to deal with the inevitable meltdowns is often done in the name of 'inclusion', but this is integration and not inclusive.
Inclusive Education includes two sections: readings and cases.
THOMAS , G. and LOXLEY , A. ( 2001 ) Deconstructing Special Education and Constructing Inclusion ( Buckingham , Open University Press ) . YOUNG , M. ( 1995 ) A curriculum for the 21st century ? Towards a new basis for overcoming the ...