In What Excellent Community Colleges Do, Joshua S. Wyner draws on the insights and evidence gained in administering the inaugural Aspen Prize for Community College Excellence. This book identifies four domains of excellence—degree completion, equity, student learning, and labor market success—and describes in rich detail the policies and practices that have allowed some community colleges to succeed in these domains. By starting with a holistic definition of excellence, measuring success against that definition, and then identifying practices and policies that align with high levels of student success, the author seeks to contribute to the growing body of knowledge about improving student success in community colleges.
Carrie B. Kisker’s latest iteration offers readers the breadth of earlier editions yet greater depth relative to the evolving nuances of enrollment management, funding/resource development, shared governance, curriculum, academic equity, ...
87. meeting of Complete College America, in New Orleans, December 14, 2013; telephone interview with Maria Hesse, vice provost for academic partnerships, Arizona State University, and former president, Chandler-Gilbert College, ...
where high school students can learn more about postsecondary options; Introduction to College, for students in their ... It also integrates career planning with academic planning, rather than separating academic advising and career ...
This book analyzes the emerging body of research on student success in an accessible and readable way that community college leaders will find interesting and relevant.
This work is intended to be a concise, yet comprehensive look at the rich history and important role of the community college movement in the United States.
The 13 ideas in this book were identified by a group of national leaders as the most significant ideas impacting the contemporary community college.
... Education Act and Related Measures , Hearings before the Subcommittee on Postsecondary Education of the House , Committee on Education and Labor , 96 Cong . 1 sess . ( GPO , 1979 ) , pt . 3 , pp . 322-24 . 37. See Loretta J. Butcher ...
This book offers a national view of trends and statistics related to today's community colleges.
One of the reasons this book is so necessary is because other readers that focus on higher education generally include few selections on community colleges, despite their enormous contribution to the higher education enterprise in the U.S. ...
Princeton, NJ: Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. Boylan, H. R., Bliss, L. B., & Bonham, B. S. (1997). Program components and their relationship to student performance. Journal of Developmental Education 20(3): 2–8.