In 1943 the U.S. Army Air Forces created what would become the Air Commandos, a unit that marked a milestone in tactical operations in support of British ground forces invading Burma. William T. Y'Blood tells the story of how these daring American aviators trained and went into combat using unconventional hit-and-run tactics to confuse the enemy and destroy their lines of communication and supply. The force comprised light planes to evacuate wounded, transports to move heavy cargo, fighters, gliders, helicopters, and more than five hundred men. The book describes how this top-secret force successfully attacked the enemy from the air, resupplied British commandos on the ground, and airlifted the wounded out of the battle area--eventually driving the Japanese out of Burma.
Flying Tiger to Air Commando is an enlisted man's story of over twenty years of service to his country.
When Hong Kong fell to the Japanese on 8 December 1941, CNACDC-3s and othercommercial aircraft flew into the airport there to evacuate their personnel despite the dangers of attacks by Japanese warplanes. Later, CNAC helped evacuate ...
This Air Force publication provides a detailed history of Operation Thursday, a bold, unconventional use of American air power to support British ground troops in Burma during World War II. It marked a critical development in the history of ...
The story covers the debut of the spectacular B-29 aircraft—in many ways the most awesome weapon of World War II— and its use not only as a bomber but also as a mine-layer.
Based on review of hundreds of documents as well as interviews with surviving Air Commandos, this is the history of a colorful, autonomous, and highly effective military unit that included some of the most recognizable names of the era.
The 1st Air Commandos were sired by General of the Army Henry H. "Hap" Arnold and brought to life by the imagination of two men, Lieutenant Colonel Philip G. Cochran and Lieutenant Colonel John R. Alison.
voir seemed to explode with flashes of gunfire as freezing waters right in front of Lieutenant the North Koreans opened up on the dangerously Sullivan's helicopter and received a quick pickup low - flying fighters .
P-47 Thunderbot's service outside western Europe, in three other major theaters of World War II - the Mediterranean, Asia and Pacific - although perhaps not as publicized, was no less colorful and varied, which makes it an excellent subject ...
From: Gary Willis Sent: Monday, July 22, 2013 7:55 PM To: richard lowery Subject: Re: [FACNET] little history of our first Air Commando B26s going to Vietnam in 1961 (NF) Sgt Rick, You are correct that Red Marker Gene McCutchan was in ...
This book includes pictures of those operations, unveils what had been a US government secret war, and adds a substantial contribution to understanding the wider war in Southeast Asia.