The Word of the Lord: 7 Essential Principles for Catholic Scripture Study

The Word of the Lord: 7 Essential Principles for Catholic Scripture Study
The Word of the Lord
Our Sunday Visitor
Steven Smith


"The joy born of the Word can now expand to all those who, by faith, let themselves be changed by God's word." – Pope Benedict XVI, Verbum Domini For many Catholics, Scripture remains an elusive part of their Faith, or worse yet, a weapon used against them when encountering challenges from other denominations. If you think you have to be a Bible scholar to understand the Scriptures, think again! The Word of the Lord was written by one of the foremost Catholic Bible scholars and tested in several graduate level seminary Scripture courses. Yet everyone will appreciate the book's clear, straightforward approach, perfect for the average Catholic. From crucial topics to more common questions, you will find explanations, answers, and interpretation that will launch you into the exciting adventure that awaits you in Scripture. Wherever you are on your faith journey, The Word of the Lord will guide you forward to seek the face of Christ in Scripture. "It is no longer because of your words that we believe, for we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this is indeed the Savior of the world."– John 4:42

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