Join Garfield as he begins his comic book exploits with Jon, Odie, and the rest of the gang in this all-ages must-read from KaBOOM! THE GARFIELD SHOW writer and comics luminary Mark Evanier teams up with beloved Garfield strip cartoonist Gary Barker to bring you all the laughs (and lasagna) you can handle.
"All of the comics in this work have been previously published."--Title page verso.
This fun-filled, full-color collection includes three books in one: Garfield Life to the Fullest, Garfield Feeds the Kitty, and Garfield Hogs the Spotlight!
Describes the life and political career of James A. Garfield, including his 1880 election to the presidency and his death caused by the incompetent medical care he received after he had been shot.
A collection of Garfield comic books, focusing on his love of food and fun.
Open Wide . . . and Laugh! “Eat early and often”—that’s the credo of the furry fatso. Garfield fans who are gluttons for fun will want to indulge themselves in this meaty new collection of rib-tickling comics.
This fun-filled collection includes three books in one: Garfield Food for Thought, Garfield Swallows His Pride, and Garfield Worldwide.
And he must be doing something right, because this is his twentieth book and he's still going strong. Live it up, Garfield, and take your millions of fans along for the ride!
"A triple helping of classic Garfield humor"--Cover.
The lovable, large comic feline from the funny pages returns in his 56th book along with his pals Jon, Odie and Nermal in this full-color companion to the daily comic strip. Original.
Parodies blockbuster and classic movies by inserting Garfield the cat as the main character, resulting in reviews of such movies as "Indiana Cat and the Temple of Yarn," "Doggone with the Wind," and "Furry Potter."