Study the relationship between living organisms and our place in God's wondrous creation! Learn important words and concepts from different habitats around the world to mutual symbiosis as a product of the relational character of God. Designed with a multi-age level format especially for homeschool educational programs. Examine influential Scientists and their work, more fully understand practical aspects of stewardship, and investigate ecological connections in creation! The best-selling Wonders of Creation series adds a new biology-focused title that unveils the intricate nature of God's world and the harmony that was broken by sin. This educational resource is color-coded with three educational levels in mind: 5th to 6th grades, 7th to 8th grades, and 9th through 11th grades, which can be utilized for the classroom, independent study, or homeschool setting. Whether used as part of our newly developed science curriculum or simply as a unique unit study, the book includes full-color photos, informative illustrations, and meaningful descriptions. The text encourages an understanding of a world designed, not as a series of random evolutionary accidents, but instead as a wondrous, well-designed system of life around the globe created to enrich and support one another.
Grasslands can be found throughout much of North America, and the ideas and strategies in this book apply to most of them, particularly tallgrass and mixed-grass prairies in eastern North Dakota, eastern South Dakota, eastern Nebraska, ...
This book explores what it means to live a purposeful life and outlines the benefits associated with purpose across different life domains.
Rees, M., Childs, D.Z. & Ellner, S.P. (2014) Building integral projection models: a user's guide. Journal of Animal Ecology, 83, 528–545. Rees, M., Childs, D.Z. & Freckleton, R.P. (2012) Assessing the role of competition and stress: a ...
Assembled here for the first time in one volume are forty classic papers that have laid the foundations of modern ecology.
Land Lines 7(5): 1, 3. Bormann, F. Herbert, Diana Balmori, and Gordon T. Geballe. 1993. Redesigning the American Lawn: A Search for Environmental Harmony. New Haven, CT:Yale University Press. Bouvier, Leon F, and Lindsey Grant. 1994.
With so few ecologists and so many systems to study, generalizations are essential. But how do you extrapolate knowledge about a well-studied area and apply it elsewhere?
Explains what ecology is, shows how living things are classified, and looks at the environments in which they live.
1986. Ecological Communication. Translated by J. Bednarz. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Luhrs, J. 1997. The Simple Living Guide: A Sourcebook for Less Stressful, More Joyful Living. New York: Broadway Books. Luure, A. 2001.
Covering all beach types, and addressing issues from the behavioral and physiological adaptations of the biota to exploring the effects of pollution and the impact of man's activities, this book should become the standard reference for ...
"This book is for people who care deeply about their communities and their country but worry about problems that endanger their future and that of their children.