Environmental science is an integrated, interdisciplinary field that combines the study of ecology, physics, chemistry, biology, soil science, geology, atmospheric science, and geography. It is among the top 10 most popular Advanced Placement examinations taken by high school seniors in an effort to receive postsecondary college credit. Idiot's Guide® to Environmental Science provides a step-by-step review of the disciplines that comprise environmental science, helping students grasp the basic concepts, internalize the information, and prepare for exams. Features include: - The basics and history of the human relationship with the natural environment - The ways species grow, change, and interact - A detailed description of the earth's ecosystems, including deserts, grasslands, forests, and aquatic ecosystems - The effects of economics and agriculture on the environment - The various types of energy humans use, as well as how its production impacts the earth's ecosystems, with a focus on renewable energy sources - The ill effects of a growing population, including pollution, toxins, bacteria, waste, and global warming/climate change
Environmental Science For Dummies is the most accessible book on the market for anyone who needs to get a handle on the topic, whether you're looking to supplement classroom learning or simply interested in learning more about our ...
Environmental Science and Sustainability helps students discover their role in the environment and the impact of their choices.
Simple, rhythmic wording builds to a crescendo ("This is the mess that we made. These are the fish that swim in the mess that we made.") and the vibrant digital artwork captures the disaster that is the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.
This practical manual draws on contributions from leading experts in each field, to present both general and specific environmental methods and techniques within a unique interdisciplinary environmental perspective.
BIOZONE's new AP Environmental Science is a dedicated title to address the new APES CED.
This classic work is reissued with a new preface by the author. Written for non-scientists the idea is put forward that life on Earth functions as a single organism.
Crane 1 2 3 4 5 6 FIGURE 16.16 A municipal mass-burn waste-to-energy incinerator. In this plant, MSW is combusted and the exhaust is filtered. Remaining ash is disposed of in a landfill. The resulting heat energy is used to make steam, ...
This book is a synthesis of current phenological knowledge, designed as a primer on the field for global change and general scientists, students and interested members of the public.
This book must not be ignored. It really is our final warning. Mark Lynas delivers a vital account of the future of our earth, and our civilisation, if current rates of global warming persist. And it’s only looking worse.
This book is intended for use in a one or two-semester course in environmental science, human ecology, or environmental studies at the college or advanced placement high school level.