A historic house--once part of the Underground Railroad--holds clues to Emily's future. Can she follow them, or will her faith be derailed?
Remove all rotten or charred wood (girders, joists, subflooring, and underlayment) in the damaged kitchen areas and ... existing sheathing does not meet current building code or is rotten, install new H-inch exterior-grade plywood.
Contractor Alliances and the New World of Work
How to Avoid Building Or Remodeling Hell: The Consumer's Guide
Contractors' Handbook: The Expert Guide for UK Contractors and Freelancers
Racer McKay is a broody bastard.
Guide to Hiring Independent Contractors
Guide to Hiring Independent Contractors
Building a Romance Young widow Lainie Hollings will do anything to protect her daughters--even if it means accepting help from Shaw McKinney.
... real - estate experts who deal with local G.C.s all the time : mort- gage bankers and loan officers , building inspectors , realtors , ap- praisers , town tax assessors , home insurance agents , and real - estate attorneys for a start .
"Baby on the way? Blame it on the blizzard!"--Page 4 of cover.