The book is designed to provide an understanding of the federal securities laws; emphasizing those areas of the law that are likely to be confronted in a general or corporate practice, while giving some coverage to market regulation, broker-dealers, and the regulation of investment companies and investment advisers.
Thus, so long as Irene and Irwin expect to make together more than $300,000 this year, they seem to fit under the dollar thresholds as of 2020. Under the current Reg D, the size of their investment is irrelevant. See Securities Act Rel.
The Law of Securities Regulation
The Tenth Edition of Securities Regulation: Cases and Materials encompasses the sea changes that have recently occurred in the securities laws and capital markets, brought about by both SEC rulemaking and shifts in underwriting practices.
Paine Webber , Inc. , [ 1992 Transfer Binder ) CCH Fed . Sec . L. Rep . q 96,997 ( E.D. Pa . 1992 ) ; Wood & Locker , Inc. v . Doran and Associates , 708 F. Supp . 684 ( W.D. Pa . 1989 ) ; Hill v . Dyer , 521 F. Supp .
The Ninth Edition of Securities Regulation: Cases and Materials brings onboard two new co-authors—Ann Lipton and William Sjostrom—to a casebook that has long set the standard for providing students with an in-depth, sophisticated, ...
Soderquist's Securities Regulation, Fifth Edition, is a casebook that covers all major areas of securities regulation. Discussion includes Securities Act and exemptions from it; regulation of resale of securities; the...
Securities Regulation in a Nutshell
Follows the general format of the very popular and teachable earlier editions, with several significant improvements. The new edition also includes extensive descriptions of the changes embodied in the Private...
This casebook provides detailed information on securities regulation. The casebook provides the tools for fast, on-point study of the law of securities regulation. Part of the University Casebook Series®, it...
Securities Regulation: Hauptbd