Crunch numbers and calculate business solutions with this straightforward guide Now, it is easier than ever before to understand complex mathematical concepts and formulas and how they relate to real-world business situations.
Covers such aspects of business mathematics as basic arithmetic, statistics, measurements, and personal finance.
This work teaches business-management students all the basic mathematics used in a retail business and follows the standard curriculum of Business Math courses.
Miller's name appears first on the ealier editions.
This proven 13th Edition text, presents an arithmetic-based, basic approach to business math.
Skills, and career spotlights. Book jacket.
In Understanding Business Math & Budgets, you'll learn how important math is to keeping your business successful and what you need to keep a budget.
Business Math, 17th Edition provides comprehensive coverage of personal and business-related mathematics.
This book fills the gap left by many textbooks that are often dedicated to either mathematics or statistics, but not both.
Credits Publisher Production Assistant Anne Smith Courtney Leshko Project Editor Creative Director Betn Tripmacher Harry Nolan Marketing Manager Cover Designer jennifer Slomack Hope Miller Senior Editorial Assistant Cover Photo Tiara ...