At Home with the Word 2013 - Large Print Edition
This bestselling guide to Microsoft Word is the first and last word on Word 2013 It's a whole new Word, so jump right into this book and learn how to make the most of it.
The Illustrated Course Guides split Microsoft Word 2013 concepts and skills into three manageable levels - Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced - perfect for workshops or accelerated courses.
This book is appropriate for Introductory Computing courses on Microsoft Office Applications or courses on Computer Concepts that include coverage of Word 2013.This book is also suitable for individuals interested in learning to use ...
3 Icons Used in This Kit..................................................................................... 3 Accessing the Word 2013 eCourse. ... 12 Exploring the Word Interface.
The Video Engageyour Companion for Microsoft Office 2013 Illustrated First Course contains more than 150 videos based ... Each video provides a multimedia version of a single two-page lesson in this text and includes a lesson overview ...
In this text you’ll find features that are specifically designed to engage students, improve retention, and prepare them for future success.
There are fourversions ofOffice 365: d Office 365 Home Premium provides Office 2013 Access, Excel, OneNote, Outlook, PowerPoint, Publisher, and Word, or Office:Mac on up to five computers or tablets with 20GB of SkyDrive storage and 60 ...
Most of the shortcut keys are identical to those in other text-editing programs and word processors. ... Shift+←Move cursor left one word Ctrl+← Move cursor to start of line Home Select text to start of line Shift+Home Move cursor to ...
This market-leading text provides the tools you need to develop expertise in keyboarding, document formatting, and word processing skills using Microsoft Word 2013.