Junior Bender, the clown prince of crime fiction, returns in his most hardboiled adventure yet—a tale that will take Junior Bender deep into a murderous conspiracy in present day Los Angeles and uncover an increasingly confusing legacy of his burglar-mentor, Herbie Mott, who until very recently was always one-step-ahead of just about everybody. It’s everyday business when Wattles, the San Fernando Valley’s top “executive crook,” sets up a hit. He establishes a chain of criminals to pass along the instructions and the money, ensuring that the hitter doesn’t know who hired him. But one day Wattles finds his office safe open and a single item missing: the piece of paper on which he has written the names of the crooks in the chain. When people associated with the chain begin to pop up dead, the only person Wattles can approach to solve his problem is Junior Bender, professional burglar and begrudging private eye for crooks. But Junior already knows exactly who took Wattles’s list: the signature is too obvious. It was Herbie Mott, Junior’s burglar mentor—and when Junior seeks him out to discuss the missing list, he finds Herbie very unpleasantly murdered. Junior follows the links in the chain back toward the killer, and as he does, he learns disturbing secrets from Herbie’s hidden past. From the Hardcover edition.
Among those who question that are Keith "Huffer" Christiansen, a splendid but pint-sized centerman, and Mike "Lefty" Curran, a quick, left-handed goaltender. Both played high school hockey at International Falls, Minnesota, ...
Larry, having experienced multiple heart attacks and multiple surgeries before the age of fifty—he'd even written a book called “Mr. King, You're Having a Heart Attack”—was what Grandma Esther would call ...
Published just in time for Father's Day, this engagingly witty discourse takes readers along on Owen's golfing adventures--playing the Masters course in Augusta, touring Ireland's greatest greens, meeting the sport's real millionaires (the ...
Hollywood burgler Junior Bender finds himself caught in a revenge plot epic enough for the silver screen.
Among a mountain of rugged faces, I was undaunted. I had hidden only one secret from my opponents. My rooster was a "veterano" (veteran) of nine bloody fights where it had slain all nine contestants. My veteran rooster was cunning.
-Bruce DeSilva , Edgar Award - winning author of Rogue Island OF ROCK AGES A JUNIOR BENDER MYSTERY TIMOTHY HALLINAN ROCK OF AGES Also by Timothy Hallinan The Poke Rafferty. Front Cover.
The unfortunate part about this is that regardless of whether he solves the crime or not, someone dangerous is going to be unhappy with him, either his suspect or his employer.
Anime Wong said on the other end of the phone, in the aggrieved tone of one trapped in a world gone wildly and irrevocably wrong in a manner that points directly and solely at her, an attitude only teenagers can muster.
Hollywood burglar-turned-detective Junior Bender has a knotty new case to solve—a 60-year-old Tinseltown mystery There are not many people brave enough to say no to Irwin Dressler, Hollywood’s infamous mob boss-turned-movie king.
Herbie Husker and Lil Red's Game Day Rules